Belgium care furniture enters Hong Kong’s silver market

An article about Moments Furniture was published in the Hong Kong Economic times last month, read the translated article here.

Most people wish to retire worry-free after a lifetime of hard work. As we are faced with an aging population, the need for care homes and related care furniture are gradually on the rise.

Since the brand was established in Belgium in 1935, Moments Furniture has specialized in making colorful, personalized and professional care furniture that addresses end-user’s care needs. Moments Furniture International Business Manager, Marie Thevelin mentioned that the brand’s product design philosophy is to not only enable elders to take care of themselves, but also empower caregivers to provide elders with the assistance they need under different circumstances.

Specializing in medical and care furniture – Chairs that can recline at different angles

Moments began as a family business 85 years ago making wooden furniture for churches and chapels. With requests coming from priests and nuns, the brand started manufacturing furniture for medical purpose.

Today, the brand has transformed into developing and manufacturing care furniture. In addition to manufacturing geriatric care chairs and nursing beds, Moments Furniture also provides care design solutions for medical and care related facilities. “Today, in addition to our Belgium base, we have also set up our manufacturing plants in Germany. We are present in all of Europe providing products and services. We have sales offices in Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Germany,” says Marie. In 2017, Moments Furniture’s total revenue was 20 million Euro (approximately 174 million Hong Kong dollars.)

Marie believes that the brand carries forward the Nordic spirit of aging independently, while it is equally important that the products they develop are sustainable and comfortable. Marie shares that designers at Moments will regularly assess and collect user feedback to ensure products fit end-users’ needs. “For example, our INO geriatric chair is designed to enable users to sit with ease, also to empower caregivers to provide care using the flat reclining mode.”

Marie shares that elder care in Belgium focused on delivering human-centricity and dignity. Therefore, elderly homes are designed in a way to help elders take care of themselves and to create a place where family gather to enjoy each other’s company.

Marie is hoping that Moments Furniture can be applied in different context. “In addition to elderly homes, the brand’s geriatric chairs are able to provide users with different sitting and reclining functions. Both the back and leg rest can be adjusted at different heights and angles. The chairs can be used at office environments and provide office workers with comfort when seated for a long time,” Marie says. She also added that the brand can design a range of chair accessories if needed, for example, additional seat cushions, meal trays, IV pole, etc.

Click here to read the original article.

Actualites apparentés

Communique de presse : La maison de repos et de soins de demain : de l’idée d’accueil à l’idée de communauté.

D’après le Bureau fédéral du Plan, le vieillissement de la population ne devrait diminuer qu’après 2055. Le nombre de personnes âgées devrait donc encore augmenter au cours des prochaines décennies. L’amélioration de l’espérance de vie coïncide aussi avec une augmentation du risque de maladies liées à la vieillesse, comme la démence. À l’occasion de Health&Care, le salon professionnel du secteur des soins de santé en Belgique, Moments Furniture insiste sur la nécessité de créer des institutions de soins adaptées, plus conviviales et plus ouvertes.


Le secteur des soins de santé a besoin de calme

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